Spiritual transformation is the process by which Christ is formed in us for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the sake of others according to Galatians 4:19, Romans 8:29, and Romans 12:1, 2. We believe if these verses are central to the gospel, they must be central to the mission of the church.
The essence of spiritual formation at Crossroads is about fostering the capacity, the orientation and the discipline of living in union with Christ as a community. It's about cultivating an awareness of Jesus, an appreciation for his love and a capacity to lean into the grace we know through his Spirit. We are not bystanders in our spiritual lives. We are active participants with Jesus, who is ever inviting us into relationship with him.
Spiritual reformation helps us reclaim our relationship with God as it was meant to be. It’s not trying – but it’s training in eternal living...now. While we cannot transform ourselves, we can create the conditions in which spiritual transformation can take place and this is where spiritual practices come in. They are concrete activities we engage in, in order to make ourselves available for the work that only God can do.
A signature activity for spiritual formation at Crossroads is Formative Community™. These are gatherings formed by the narrative of scripture, which revolves around the life of Jesus. We won’t let doctrinal or theological principles form the life of our community. It will only be formed by the reality of life together that has been personally experienced and practiced in the presence of the resurrected Jesus.
If you are interested in learning more about Formative Community, or becoming part of our virtual meet-up, write to us at info@crossroadstabernacle.com
“Pondering Angels On The Road To Emmaus”, by Daniel Bonnell, oil on canvas
2025 (Winter) Formative Community Resource
Begins Wednesday, January 8th at 7PM